Things You Should Do Before Your Trip To Australia!

Before you hop on that plane and head to the Land Down Under, there are a few things you’re going to want to know to make your trip run smoothly!
You’re going to need a visa for Australia. The most common are the Tourist Visa; if you just want to live it up for a few weeks/months, or a Working Holiday Visa; if you want to work in Oz. This one is more for those wanting to stay for 6 months to 2 years! Remember to print out your Visa Grant Letter once you get it. It’s crucial you bring it to the airport if you plan on getting on that plane. If you need help with your visa, contact us, we’ll get you sorted out!
If you need to stock up on any prescription medicine, inhalers, contact lenses, or contraception, it’s a good idea to do this before you leave home! You will be able to get these things in Oz, but it's a hassle you don't need when you first arrive and just want to explore.
We’re talking money. If you’re planning on getting a job in Oz, you’re going to need to set up an Aussie bank account. With our Oz Intro package, we'll set up your account before you go. During your Oz Intro week, we’ll take you to the bank so you can pick up your card and pin. Just make sure you bring enough cash to last you up to that point; our recommendation is $200 AUD.
About two weeks before you leave home, it’s a good idea to transfer your money to your Aussie bank account. International transfers sometimes take 1-2 weeks, so plan ahead. Bring your debit/credit card to Australia, and inform your bank that you’ll be travelling overseas, so your cards don't get blocked. During Oz Intro, you won’t have to spend a lot of money, since all activities, transportation, and accommodation are included. After Oz Intro, lots of people travel, so we recommend bringing at least $3,500 so you don’t miss out on all Australia has to offer.
You know what they say... it’s better to be safe than sorry! It might seem unnecessary, but this is a big trip. We strongly recommend you purchase travel insurance before you go. Need some help? You can get more info and a quote here!
One of the most important things you need to bring is a surfboard. How else are you supposed to shred the gnar?? Kidding! But you are going to need your flight e-ticket/itinerary. Also, it’s a smart idea to take a photo of your driver's license, passport & any other important documents and email them to yourself, in case you lose them.
If you need to get your phone unlocked so you can get a SIM and use it while you’re abroad, it’s best to do this before you leave. It can take time and we imagine you'll want to update the gram as soon as you arrive!
If you’ve been working, congratulations! You’re probably entitled to a tax refund. To do this, you can go to If you don’t get a chance before you leave home, then don’t forget to bring your final Payslip/P45 with you; that way you can do it once you get to Oz. Often, people receive around $2,000 AUD, which you can put straight towards your travels!
If you are planning on working in Oz, make sure you've emailed yourself a copy of your resume/CV. If you don't have one yet, we'll help you with this as part of Oz Intro's help finding work program. You’re going to want to travel at some point, during your Oz Intro week we can help you plan & sort your onward travel around Australia. We advise waiting until you’re in Oz before booking your travels, as you’re going to meet new friends and your plans may change!
Oz Intro is the perfect start to your Australian adventure as we'll help you get everything sorted before you go! You also get a 9-day tour of Sydney that includes epic activities, accommodation, airport pickup, help finding work, and a group of awesome new mates to carry on your travels with! Get more info or make a booking here, and see what other travellers have to say about our trips!